Saturday, April 11, 2009

A Sign of the Impending Apocalypse, Kinda Sorta Maybe

I was watching the tube the other day and a commercial came on for Burger King. It caught my eye because I heard Sir Mix-A-Lot's Baby Got Back whilst watching the King boogie with some female dancers with interspersing images of Sponge Bob Square Pants flashing across (or acrost to those of you from Dixon, Illinois) the screen. I thought, what the heck is going on?

Well the deal that BK is offering is that if you buy any value meal you can also get a kid's meal for 99 cents with a toy included. However, nowhere in the commercial do you see the regular meal advertised until the end. OK, so call me a fuddy-duddy (Latin origin Fuddias Dudditum meaning concerned parent), but I find it inappropriate that an extremely popular kids cartoon is flashed on the screen with Baby Got Back blaring throughout the commercial. I really don't know what they were thinking with this one. OK, I've said my piece. Comment if you've seen the commercial and tell me what you think. I really want to know.

Now go do something constructive,


Philos said...

I was mildly apalled and disturbed during those 30 was just awkward to watch the whole thing. I mean, the king is creepy enough. I'm a closet spongebob fan and thought that the playful innocence of mr. squarepants was kinda defiled with the voluptuous women packing tupperware in their panties... It certainly made me wonder just who the advertisers were trying to reach. My opinion of it in one word? uncouth! But will it stop me from purchasing a kid's meal? ......probably not...(shameless) :D It did it's job. I was informed. and impressioned upon. But informed. Lol, thanks for the fun read!

Here I Stand said...

I guess baby gotta get a kids meal;-P

Thanks for reading the blog. I must be more true to it with regular postings. I like yours a lot. Very creative stuff there. Keep it up!

Shawn said...

I saw that too!! I totally agree with you. My reaction was a bit more dock-worker speak-- the initials of which are w, t, f!
Luckily, we don't have TV in our usual house, and we don't do fastfood. Hence the whole moving to start an organic farm adventure.