Friday, November 14, 2008

Hiatus Over

Sure it's been awhile since I last posted anything but what can I say other than life has been incredibly busy. I have wanted to blog but felt odd about it due to me being away from it so long. It was kind of like leaving a lover for something foolish and then wanting to come back to her but not knowing whether or not she would take you back. Sure she would but you weren't convinced of it so you remain on the periphery looking for an opportune time to go back home. Well my blog, my lady, is always welcoming and I forgot that. So I am back.

Part of the reason that I wasn't blogging was the Election. I mean I was not inspired by either of the candidates and was really wanting some other choices. So I didn't want to waste my time and effort by blogging about the Election. I am a Libertarian and believe that Government does not hold the answers to our problems, We the People hold the answers to our problems and as such Government should be small and then it should get out of our way.

OK, enough of my ranting, and I really haven't even gotten started so I will leave it at that. I have some other things to write about but have work to do about the house. Maybe I will blog about them tonight. The point of this post is to get the fingers tickling the keyboard again and to get the writing juice flowing. So come back so and see what I have to talk about.

Until then, Be Good but Not Boring!


Unknown said...

Attaboy! As my good buddy Stevie Tyler (yeah, we're close like that) once said, "All of my clothes strewn all over the room / The crisis at hand is I'm all out of zoom" -- whatever that means... I mean, the guy was blasted OUT OF HIS MIND back then...

Where was I?

I'm glad you're back, look forward to more of your postings!


Mutha said...

He's Back! You know, I never thought of my blog as a lover who I sometimes neglect -- because I think that lover would make me pay in some way shape or form for my transgressions. I think of my blog as an extremely forgiving doggy who someone else fed while I was out of town.